The Numbers Don’t Lie: 3 Video Marketing Stats That Will Raise Your Eyebrow

Need help justifying video as part of your marketing strategy? In 2018, Wyzowl conducted a survey of marketers and compiled the results into the State of Video Marketing report. A few stats caught my eye and I wanted to give you my thoughts as to why they matter.

83% of marketers say video gives them a good ROI (up from 78% in 2018)

All marketing decisions should be about the ROI. Though a direction correlation from a video view to a sale can be hard to definitively prove, there’s a lot of factors at play. Video is often one of many touch points. It could be the first thing a customer sees on your website. It could be viewed after a marketing email is received. It might be shared by an existing customer.

What the stat doesn’t say is for a video to be successful, you can’t use the “post and pray” tactic, that is upload it to YouTube and hope someone finds it. When the video is posted, your job is only half done. The ROI comes from the follow-through. Tag it. Tweet it. Share it on Instagram. Make it part of an email campaign. Show it to investors in a presentation. Do all of these things multiple times so more people have a chance to see it and make it work for you!

Of marketers not using video, 23% said they lack time (to produce video)

This one hurts because it’s true. Creating video, let alone quality content, is an investment in time. It’s especially tough on smaller businesses and organizations where employees and marketers tend to wear many hats.

If you’re pressed for time and want to have video, there are options. Consider working with a production company or video freelancer to produce content. You can also grab your phone and shoot something yourself. You might even consider recording a Skype conversation between yourself and a customer for an easy testimonial. The point here is that if you’re pressed for time and money, video doesn’t have to be a big production. What’s important: the message! Be clear, be concise, hit those points, and get out. Your customers will notice you’re making the effort.

48% of people said they’d be most likely to share video content with their friends, ahead of any other type of content

I do this all the time. I’m scrolling through my feed, see something relevant to my business, funny, or just plain weird and have to send it to a few people. We’re all looking for that short distraction from our day, and you as a marketer want that distraction to be your video!

It’s easy to take a quick break and watch a short video. We might be waiting for the bus or the kids, in between meetings, or just want to take a quick break. As social creatures, we respond well to our friends sharing things with us. We like that connection and when a friend takes the time to share something with you, you’re more likely to watch because you know that person. Marketers have the opportunity to create content that fits that bill, especially if it has a good story or a compelling message.

Know Your Numbers

There are so many great stats in this report. I could write several posts examining all of them. Whether your business or organization is currently using video, looking to expand video, or wants to start using video marketing for the first time, it’s worth it to understand the impact of video on viewers.